by David Lee Jensen | Aug 29, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
The True Cost of a Bad Hire! The Hiring Academy has an unwavering dedication to one ultimate goal: ensuring you hire the right person the first time and every time. Developing your own A to Z hiring process while proceeding through The Hiring Academy online courses...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 28, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
How many of you remember a teacher who deeply affected you or changed your life? Someone you still remember fondly? Or not so? I’ll never forget a particular character forming experience during my 13-year-old Freshman year of Creative Writing Class. I won’t name...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 19, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
Trick or treat? That is the question when you make a new hire while crossing your fingers. Oh, the regret of being fooled. It can cost a business thousands of dollars and countless headaches. Believe it or not, some people talk a good game, but don’t have the...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 19, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
The NFL has found itself in a predicament that captured an abundance of negative national media attention. Why? Because of some bad hires! Last week I wrote about the rule “be diligent, not desperate” in hiring and this is a perfect case in point. While replacement...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 19, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
Imagine you were out on a very first date. It is not likely you would culminate that evening with a marriage proposal, is it? So goes the first interview of a potential candidate for employment. No matter how well it went, there should always be a callback, a second...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 18, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
During our economic recovery, companies are expanding and needing to not only hire new employees, but also to hire the best and brightest. Customer experience and service can make or break your business in today’s information age. So the caliber of candidates you...