by David Lee Jensen | Aug 29, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
The True Cost of a Bad Hire! The Hiring Academy has an unwavering dedication to one ultimate goal: ensuring you hire the right person the first time and every time. Developing your own A to Z hiring process while proceeding through The Hiring Academy online courses...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 28, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
How many of you remember a teacher who deeply affected you or changed your life? Someone you still remember fondly? Or not so? I’ll never forget a particular character forming experience during my 13-year-old Freshman year of Creative Writing Class. I won’t name...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 19, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
Trick or treat? That is the question when you make a new hire while crossing your fingers. Oh, the regret of being fooled. It can cost a business thousands of dollars and countless headaches. Believe it or not, some people talk a good game, but don’t have the...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 19, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
The NFL has found itself in a predicament that captured an abundance of negative national media attention. Why? Because of some bad hires! Last week I wrote about the rule “be diligent, not desperate” in hiring and this is a perfect case in point. While replacement...
by David Lee Jensen | Aug 19, 2018 | Interviewing & Hiring
Imagine you were out on a very first date. It is not likely you would culminate that evening with a marriage proposal, is it? So goes the first interview of a potential candidate for employment. No matter how well it went, there should always be a callback, a second...